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Regulatory Reporting for Luxembourg Financial Companies

Regulatory Reporting Obligations for Luxembourg Financial Companies

Financial companies in Luxembourg must comply with regulatory reporting obligations to the Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL). This regulation aims to ensure that comprehensive statistics are transmitted to the European Central Bank (ECB). Here is a detailed analysis of the main obligations.


Financial Companies concerned

Financial companies involved in equity investment, acquisition of securities, management of real estate portfolios, borrowing and lending of funds must comply with these requirements, unless their total balance sheet is less than 500 million euros (or currency equivalent).


Specific obligations

Three types of report are required:

  1. Report S 2.16 Quarterly statistical report on assets and liabilities. In this report, the BCL requests details, according to the type of asset or liability, the nature of the asset/liability, the country of the counterparty, the currency, the maturity, the sector and the amounts.
    These assets and liabilities are then grouped together to prepare the statistical report.
  2. Report S 2.17 Quarterly report on other non-financial assets and derivative financial instruments (if the threshold is exceeded).
  3. TPT Report Monthly report detailing all securities held and issued. For example, shares issued, shares and bonds subscribed.


Exemptions and Special Obligations

Certain entities, such as credit institutions and insurance companies, may be exempt if they are already subject to other statistical collections. However, specific obligations may be imposed on them.
Financial companies with a balance sheet total of less than €500 million (or currency equivalent) are also exempt.


Transmission procedures

Reports must be transmitted electronically via a secure channel, in accordance with the formats and procedures defined in the annexes to the regulation.


Filing Schedule

The dates for submitting reports are published on the Banque centrale du Luxembourg website.
For more information, visit the Luxembourg Central Bank.


Our services

We offer you a complete service for preparing and sending your reports in accordance with the standards of the Banque Centrale du Luxembourg, using the Sofie secure channel. If you simply require the service of transferring your reports, we can also assist you in this process.

Contact us today to simplify and optimise your regulatory reporting process.