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VAT rate Luxembourg 2024

VAT rates in LuxembourgAs from 1 January 2024, the temporary reduction in VAT rates in Luxembourg will no longer apply and the VAT rates will once again be 3, 8, 14 and 17%.As a reminder, as the rate of 17% is the default rate, the legislator has...

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VAT rate Luxembourg 2023

VAT rates in LuxembourgThis article is no longer applicable from 01/01/2024. The VAT rates applicable from 01/01/2024 can be consulted on our next page.Since 1 January 2023, a temporary reduction has been applied to VAT rates...

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Mandatory information on invoices?

What information must be included on invoices? In Luxembourg, invoices issued by a sole trader or a company must include various types of information, including legal and tax information. Mandatory VAT information on invoices

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