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Social parameters at Luxembourg 2024

Looking for the 2025 social parameters? They are available at this link.

The social parameters in Luxembourg have been revised upwards following the indexation of salaries applicable from 1 September 2023. Our article provides a summary of the main social parameters applicable in Luxembourg.

L'salary index applicable from 01/09/2023 is 944,43 (previously 921.40 on 01/04/2023).

Minimum and maximum contributions

Monthly minimum social wage Hourly wage Monthly salary
18 years and over unqualified 14,8609 € 2.570,93 €
17 to 18 years 11,8887 € 2.056,74 €
15 to 17 years 11,1456 € 1.928,20 €
18 years and over qualified 17,8330 € 3.085,11 €


Maximum contributory (all schemes except LTC) 12.854,64 €


Family benefits


Family allowances

New system (from 1 August 2016) per child/per month - € 299.86
Old system (before 1 August 2016)
per child in a family group of 1 child per month - €299.86
per child in a family group of 2 children per month - €336.31
per child in a family group of 3 children per month - €389.67
Age increases
- per child aged 6 - 11 years 22,67 €
- per child aged 12 and over 56,57 €
Special supplementary allowance (additional support for children with disabilities)
200,00 €


Back-to-school allowance

- per child aged 6 - 11 years 115,00 €
- per child aged 12 and over 235,00 €


Childbirth allowance

Amount per band (3 bands - prenatal - birth - postnatal) 580,03 €


Parental leave

Amount of compensation (before deduction of tax and social charges)
Per hour Per month
Minimum 14,8609 € 2.570,93 €
Maximum 24,7681 € 4.284,88 €

The above amounts for parental leave are determined on the basis of the average monthly income during the 12 months preceding the parental leave for a full time job.


Employee social security contribution rates

Employee share Employer's share
Sickness and maternity insurance 2,80 % 2,80 %
Health insurance - cash 0,25 % 0,25 %
Pension insurance 8,00 % 8,00 %
Long-term care insurance 1,40 % 0,00 %
Accident insurance 0,00 % between 0.6375 % and 1.1250 %
(variable according to the bonus malus)
Employers' mutuality 0,00 % between 0.72 % and 2.84 %
(variable according to the rate of absenteeism)
Total 12,45 % between 12.4075 % and 15.015 %

For the self-employed, the employee and employer shares are combined.

The full social parameters can be downloaded from the Luxembourg Ministry of Social Security.


Any further questions? Please do not hesitate to contact our team.